Lands End of Perdido Key
The Lands End of Perdido Key Association is governed by the association's Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions. These Covenants were set in place to ensure that the association, in its entity, remains a beautiful and pleasant community and home for everyone in the association. When an owner purchases a property within a Condominium Association, they are required to sign and agree that they are aware that they have purchased in an Association and that they will adhere to all of the association's Rules & Regulations as laid out in the documents. The Board of Directors works alongside Management to ensure that these Restrictive Covenants are being cooperated with. You can find all of your association's Documents on this page!
​Owners and Rental Agents, you are required to provide your tenants with all of these Documents and Rules & Regulations and ensuring that they are aware of all of the association's Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions and are being adhered to. As the owner (or the Representative of the owner), you are responsible for your tenants and to make certain that they are cooperating with these rules to ensure the beauty, value, aesthetics, and all around peacefulness of the Port Royal Association.
To view information privy only to owners, visit the Owner's Portal page for Board of Directors Meeting information, Board Member Roster, Meeting Minutes, make a payment online, request your account balance or change your account information, submit a violation, submit a Word Order Request, etc., click below:
To obtain the password for the owner's page, you may contact Management & confirm you ownership within the association or you may ask a Board Member. ​

The Lands End of Perdido Key Association fees cover a wide variety of things, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of the common areas (such as entrance beautification and maintenance, irrigation work, landscaping for common areas, improvements, etc.) A copy of the Association’s budget can be viewed by owners under the Owners Portal page. The Board of Directors works closely with Management to ensure all Association fees are properly collected and diligently delegated to your Association to ensure and increase the property values and desirability of the Marcus Pointe neighborhood.

Association dues
Maintenance Fees: $1,200.00 per month/unit
Insurance Assessment: $7,000.00/unit (subject to increase pending on Wind quote)
($3,500.000 April 15, 2023; $3,500.00 August 15, 2023)
The Association budgets its funds for the year based on this income, per unit, per year. Your Association dues can be paid by the following:
​Mail or Hand Deliver a Check or Money Order to:
Lands End of Perdido Key ​c/o Virtuous Management Group
600 Grand Blvd, Suite 208, Miramar Beach, FL 32550
Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions
View a complete set of the association's Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, all amendments and modifications to the CCR's, By-Laws, & Articles of Incorporation.
Additional Association Documents
The Board of Directors and Management have worked together to dedicate various helpful and educational materials for your reference and review.